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Food and Fellowship Fridays

Members of the congregation and friends gather for lunch on the last Friday of the month at various area restaurants at 1:00pm.  These lunches provide an opportunity for casual fellowhip, good food and a lot of laughter.  Those wishing to attend should contact Diane Wayner,;  (440) 223-8086) by the Wednesday prior to the lunch.  The restaurant for the month's lunch is listed in the bulletin and on the church's website calendar.  


NOTE: Due to holidays and possible weather conditions, "Lunch Out" is not held November through February.  

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Youth Group

Youth in Grades 6-12 are welcome to join us, not just congregation members!   Youth Group meetings are held twice a month and there's always SOMETHING fun going on.

Volunteer Team

The Friendship Circle is the LWML group of St. Paul's. All women of St. Paul's can be an active part of this church group. We come together for so many great activities and purposes:  Lenten suppers, funeral dinners, fundraising, supporting other Groups and Committee’s in the church and community, and Women’s bible studies twice a month.  All women are welcome to participate or just come and enjoy the fun and fellowship!

LWML Ohio District site:

LWML site:


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Here at St. Paul's, we like to call Stewardship our "Time, Talent & Treasures".  Stewardship is not just your treasures; it is also your time and your talents that you can use to make a difference here at church and in our community, and even the world! We truly believe that to see those needs clearly, studying the word of God lays it all out in front of you.


The Outreach Committee is responsible for bringing the churched and un-churched into our congregation so they may accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, which will enable them to go forth and witness the gospel of the Lord.

The Outreach Committee is responsible for welcoming visitors by greeting them at all services; supporting our sister congregation in filling the Food Bank boxes for non-perishable donations; Media outreach; supporting our Missionary work in Africa, Rev. May and his family; and so much more to deliver the message to our community!


The St. Paul's Endowment Fund was established in 1995 to receive and administer bequests, estates, insurance, memorials, and other assets given to St. Paul's to enhance the work of the congregation in ministries outside the church's general budget. The six member endowment committee is charged with the collection, investment, maintenance, and disbursement of these funds in accordance with the wishes of the donor(s). The majority of funds provide assistance for various Christian educational ministries. The gifts are invested in CD's, money market accounts, and stock/bond funds. The interest or dividends generated are what provide the assistance or gifts for the individual fund's specified purpose.

Analysing the Data
Church Choir

St. Paul's Choir practices on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm; if you have a desire to sing for the Lord and praise Him with your voice, join the Choir!   All voices are welcome to join!

Soloists, Duets, Trio's, Quartets, and full Choir performs at least once a month.


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250 Bowhall Rd, Painesville, OH 44077, USA

(440) 354-3000


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