(440) 354-3000
Where Christ is our Cornerstone.
"I was glad when they said to me 'Let us go to the house of the Lord'" Psalm 122:1
A Word About Us
Joining a church can mean many things to many people. Some seek out God and community when they feel they have lost their way, or are seeking a deeper purpose, or are looking for a way to connect to their family and cultural identity. But it is our belief that the Church, at its core, is about finding love and beauty through God and God’s work.
The history of St. Paul’s has been a history of building. The house of prayer in which we worship was raised by the original members, pastor, and friends of this congregation. Great sacrifices were made in order for there to be a “St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.” That loving work has continued through many renovations and times of change.
Throughout the history of St. Paul’s, another type of building has taken place—the building up of faithful disciples. Through Word and Sacrament, Jesus, our Cornerstone, has nurtured and fed the faith of his people. By His grace, this church has led the way and partnered with others in providing Christian education to our community. We have much for which to be thankful.
At St Paul's Lutheran Church, we inspire individuals of all ages and backgrounds to bring the Lord Almighty into their lives at every moment - moments of joy, moments of despair, and even those moments in between. We are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message with loving patience and kindness.